


A Case Study of a Junior High School Student Homeschooling in Hualien




簡沛如(Pei-Ru Jian);簡梅瑩(Mei-Ying Chien)


國中生 ; 在家教育 ; 課程設計 ; 學習策略 ; Junior high school student ; Homeschooling ; Curriculum planning ; Learning strategies




116期(2018 / 07 / 16)


22 - 48






Taiwan is on the wave of educational reforms. In the face of a diversified society, more education opportunities are needed to fulfill citizens’ needs. The Law of Taiwan has legalized homeschooling and has therefore become a subject of increased interest in the development of optimal education. This research was conducted as a case study by interviewing a student, his parents and a cooperative learning group member. Related documents were also collected for data triangulation. The main findings were summarized as follows: (1) Homeschooling is based on the ideology of home education with the purpose of cultivating and practicing lifelong learning; (2) The implementation of homeschooling adopts autonomous and adaptive learning approach; (3) The implementation of Homeschooling is often restricted by social support, parents’ teaching and self-perceived role, as well as government policies and funding subsidies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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