This study uses survey research to investigate teacher's expectations of digital citizen-ship literacy (DCL) among junior high school students. Furthermore, the purpose was to analyze the similarities and differences in the views about DCL held by teachers from different backgrounds. This report utilizes teachers' perspectives and took practical views to examine the status of digital citizenship education at the junior high school level in Taiwan. The measurement used was the "Digital citizenship literacy Questionnaire" developed for this study, the questionnaire survey was conducted, and a random sampling was conducted on a total of 770 educators of 40 junior high School in Hsinchu, Taoyuan, and, Miaoli. 706 questionnaires were totally collected and the response rate was 91.69%. The data was analyzed using explorative factor analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, and One-way ANOVA. According to the findings of the study, the research results of the study are as follows: 1) The importance of the digital citizenship that secondary School educators take for: the "Digital literacy", "Digital etiquette", "Digital health and wellness" are higher than "Digital commerce", "Digital communication", "Digital rights and responsibilites". 2) Secondary school educators with diverse backgrounds showed differences in their perceptions of the digital citizenship literacy of secondary school students. 3) In addition, it should be included in the current curriculum and can be taught across different subjects although it has the most relevance within the subject of Civil Ethics. Based on the study results, the specific proposal is put forward to school administrators, educational authorities as well as for future studies.
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