


A Study on the Process and Effectiveness of Implementing Food and Agriculture Education by the Elementary School Combined with the Local 4-H Club




潘淑琦(Shu-Chi Pan)


食農教育 ; 四健會 ; 在地文化 ; 文化回應 ; food and agriculture education ; 4-H Club, local culture ; culturally responsive




119期(2019 / 01 / 16)


69 - 99






The research field was the smallest school of 6 classes in rural communities, it is also located in a pass of the particularly remote area. It is called "KouAi" in ancient times. The residents of the school district live on agriculture, and the agriculture was not only the life experience and culture, but also knowledge and practice.4-H Club was an organization of assisting in the development of agriculture. Through more than 10 years of cooperation and guidance from the members with agricultural expertise of the 4-H Club, and the education bureau's food and agriculture education policy, the students' learning motivation and effectiveness about food and agriculture education was enhanced, and we could achieve greater result with minimal effort. This research object included the teachers, students, parents of the Yuanyuan elementary school and the members of the 4-H Club. The research validity and reliability were improved through the interviews with the research subjects, the researchers' reflections and the multi- material of the curriculum activities. Results of this study: It could deepen the literacy of food and agriculture education for school children and parents that combining student life experience with the professional guidance of the 4-H Club, and continuing the rolling correction of the food and agriculture education curriculum; in addition, teachers, parents and the 4-H Club participated together to enhance the effectiveness of food and agriculture education. The conclusion: 1. Combining with local farming culture and food and agriculture education could complement each other. 2. The synergy of the 4-H Club could deepen the achievements of food and agriculture education for school children. 3. The professional intensive efforts of the 4-H Club was the key to the success of food and agriculture education. 4. The resources of the 4-H Club was conducive to the development of food and agriculture education. 5. Reflections on implementing food and agriculture education in the smallest rural schools. The suggest: 1. Food and agriculture education was established in intensive efforts. 2. To promote the implementation of food and agriculture education with leverage.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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