


The Study of the Implementation and Response of the Principal's Lesson Study in 12-year Compulsory Education




潘淑琦(Shu-Chi Pan)


十二年國教 ; 校長公開授課 ; 教師專業成長 ; 12-year compulsory education ; principal's lesson study ; teacher professional development




121期(2019 / 05 / 16)


157 - 184






This study adopted the method of qualitative research becauce of the purpose and nature of the research to explore the specific actions, dilemmas and responses of principal's lesson study, and as a reference for the principals practiced the lesson study in 12-year compulsory education by collecting the professional feedback and classroom observation of the researcher participated the 7 sessions of principal's lesson study in the 105-106 academic year, the workshop materials of principal's teaching leadership and lesson study in 107 academic year, and the researcher's reflections, etc. The results of this study: (1) The conclusion of this study showed that: a. The principal's commitment to lesson study was a demonstration of the promise of education. b. The enrichment of the principal's teaching professionalism was the guarantee of student's learning rights. c. The principal's adjustment to the school's dual system was conducive to the transformation of roles. d. Implementing the complementary measures of lesson study was conducive to the implementation of lesson study. e. The principal was good at using leadership to guide the school to conduct lesson study. (2) The suggestions of this study showed that: a. It needed a time course that the school established a culture of active learning and sharing. b. The teaching leadership of the principal's lesson study was meaningfully. c. The principal's lesson study could promote teacher's teaching leadership. d. The principal could establish a paragon of lifelong learning through lesson study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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