


The Study of Relationship among Principals' Cultural Leadership, Teachers' Psychological Contract, Teachers' Community Interaction and School Effectiveness in Junior High School in Taiwan




陳怡潔(I-Chieh Chen)


校長文化領導 ; 教師心理契約 ; 教師社群互動 ; 學校效能 ; principals' cultural leadership ; school effectiveness ; teachers' community interaction ; teachers' psychological contract




121期(2019 / 05 / 16)


53 - 89






The aim of the study is to explore the relationship among four variables, including principals' cultural leadership, teachers' psychological contract, teachers' community interaction and school effectiveness in junior high school in Taiwan. Not only to understand the real situation among principals' cultural leadership, teachers' psychological contract, teachers' community interaction and school effectiveness, but also to find the correlations with the variables and prediction toward school effectiveness. The survey is carried out with a self-made questionnaire "Sense of principals' cultural leadership, teachers' psychological contract, teachers' community interaction and school effectiveness for junior high school teachers in Taiwan." The questionnaire consists of 4 parts, including "principals' cultural leadership for teachers", "teachers' psychological contract for teachers", "teachers' community interaction for teachers", "school effectiveness for teachers." The samples were selected by stratified random selection by geo-location and the scale of schools. There are 598 valid samples collected. The response rate is 92%. The data is analyzed using Description Statistics, Pearson Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. The conclusions for the study can be summarized as below. 1. For the principals' cultural leadership measures of the sample, the rating for cultural shaping is higher than meaning of cultural innovation, and cultural maintenance. 2. For the teachers' psychological contract measures of the sample, the rating for profession maintenance is the highest and evolution participation is the lowest. 3. For the teachers' community interaction measures of the sample, the rating for sharing vision is the highest and action research is the lowest. 4. For the school effectiveness measures of the sample, the rating for teacher profession and social resources are both the highest and administration effectiveness is the lowest. 5. There exists a positive correlation between principals' cultural leadership, teachers' psychological contract, teachers' community interaction and school effectiveness. 6. There exist predictors for administration effectiveness, teaching profession, student performance and social resources. The factor that influence the overall school effectiveness most is evolution participation. Last, the suggestions can be provided as below. 1. Strengthen the principal's development and learning mechanism, and promote the school's overall effectiveness by enhancing the principal's cultural leadership and understanding the teacher's psychological contract. 2. The principal should be committed to shaping the school culture so that all teachers have a common cultural vision and blueprint and work together to improve school performance. 3. The principal should encourage teachers to participate in the professional community so that teachers can enhance the effectiveness of teachers' teaching and promote overall school effectiveness through professional dialogue and sharing of exchanges. 4. Teachers should actively participate in the school's measures for the development of the school. With the cultural shaping and cultural maintenance of the principal, concentrating the teachers' emotions and concentrating on the development of the school will contribute to the improvement of the overall school performance. 5. Future research can be revised for existing research constraints, such as insufficient national sample size, lack of background variables, and high homogeneity of predictions and related research orientations. And the structural relationship between the four can be further explored in future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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