


The Integrative Perspective of Principal Leadership Styles: An Multi-Frame Orientation Approach




曾文鑑(Wun-Jian Tseng)


校長領導 ; 領導整合 ; 多元架構取向 ; principal leadership ; integrative leadership ; multi-frame orientation




122期(2019 / 07 / 16)


3 - 19






This study adopted an integrative approach to explore principal leadership from the perspective of multi-frame orientation. Based on the proposed five dimensions of leadership styles, namely, structural leadership, human resource leadership, politicized leadership, symbolic leadership, and educational leadership, it is hoped that principals will lead the development of schools with a more diverse and inclusive vision, make use of the various leadership styles to establish their leadership roles, so that the principals become more capable of dealing with increasingly complex educational ecology, and to give full play to great leadership that leads to the continuous improvement and growth of schools. The study redefines the five dimensions of principal leadership effectiveness in order to initiate a "creative metamorphosis" in principals and their leadership styles.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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