


Seeking the Lost Subjectivity of Students in Taiwan's Schools-Human Rights Education and Competency-oriented Learning and Teaching of the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines




林佳範(Chia-Fan Lin)


人權教育 ; 學生主體性 ; 學習權 ; 終身學習者核心素養 ; Human Rights Education ; Subjectivity of Students ; The Right to Learn ; Essential Competencies of A Lifelong Learner




123期(2019 / 09 / 16)


36 - 53






The subjectivity of students in campus is being lost in Taiwan's schools. In terms of the right to learn, the subjectivity of students is expected to be realized not only in legal terms but also in educational terms, to the effect that students are within educational relationship as the subjectivity of learning rather than the objectivity of teaching. In the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines, the emphasis of the essential competencies as a lifelong learner is consistent with the idea of the right to learn, both of which regard the subjectivity of students as an important factor in teaching and learning. In addition, human rights education is not just teaching about human rights, but also exercising human rights. To enhance the subjectivity of students in terms of human rights education and the essential competencies of a lifelong learner, it is suggested that teachers in classrooms regarding students as partners in learning communities. To sum up, respecting the subjectivity of students is required in terms of education, in general, and of human rights education in particular.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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