


The Study of Service Failure, Service Recovery and Repurchase Intention- An Example of the Textbooks




朱永傑(Yung-Chieh Chu);陳殷哲(Yin-Che Chen)


服務失誤 ; 服務補救 ; 再購意願 ; service failure ; service recovery ; repurchase intention




124期(2019 / 11 / 16)


130 - 155






The current textbook liberalization policy allows teachers to select their textbooks according to their personal preferences. This study examined whether the type of service failure affects teachers' repurchase intention and whether the use of various service recovery strategies strengthens teachers' repurchase intention. A questionnaire survey and regression were analyzed to verify the proposed hypotheses. The study results revealed that service failures from textbook publishing companies reduced the participating teachers' repurchase intention, and that the type of service recovery strategy did not exert significant effects on repurchase intention. In oder to avoid the chance of service failure, this study proposed that a textbook publishing company must properly formulate a standard operating procedure, the convenience of smartphone communication software, a reminder note of individual schools, the sales techniques and interpersonal communication skills of sales agents, and teachers' professpnal workshops.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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