


A Study on the Students' Learning in Taipei City




吳清山(Ching-shan Wu);謝扶成(Fwu-chen Shieh);王曉梅(Hsiao-Mei Wang);張鎮遠(Chen-Yuan Chang);賴宏銓(Hung-Chuan Lai);謝汝鳳(Ru-Feng Shieh);姜錢珠(Chien-Chu Chiang);黃琦婷(Chi-Ting Huang);鄭雅芬(Ya-Fen Cheng)


學生聲音 ; 學生學習 ; 學習氛圍 ; 師生關係 ; 同儕關係 ; Students Voice ; Students' Learning ; Learning Climate ; Teacher-student Relationship ; Peer Relationship




126期(2020 / 03 / 16)


118 - 139






The purpose of the study is to explore the students' learning in Taipei City from the 5th grade (elementary school) to the 12th grade (senior high school) from the students' perspective. The questionnaire is adopted to sample the students from public elementary schools to senior high schools in Taipei City. A total of 1,450 questionnaires have been distributed and 934 have been retrieved, of which 833 were valid.. The Survey of Students' Learning in Taipei City covering learning climate, teacher-student relationship, and peer relationship is used for factor analysis and reliability analysis. The survey shows good reliability and validity. The statistical methods of the study include descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results of the study are as follows:(1) The learning situation is good in the period of study (elementary school, junior high, and senior high), but elementary school is better than junior and senior school. (2) The teacher-student relationship is the best in the period of study (elementary school, junior high, and senior high), and the learning climate is weak.(3) The learning climate and teacher-student relationship show a significant difference in the period of study (elementary school, junior high, and senior high) and gradually decrease with the period of study, while the peer relationship has no significant difference in the period of study. (4) The learning climate, teacher-student relationship, and peer relationship decrease by grade (from 5th grade to 9th grade). (5) The learning climate, teacher-student relationship, and peer relationship have no significant difference in terms of the students' gender and education of parents.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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