


The Relationship Between Organizational Learning Model of Principals' Technology Leadership and School Effectiveness




許晉榮(Ching-Jung Hsu);林朝清(Chao-Ching Lin)


校長科技領導 ; 組織學習模式 ; 系統思考 ; 學校願景 ; 學校效能 ; principals' technology leadership ; organizational learning model ; system thinking ; school vision ; school effectiveness




127期(2020 / 05 / 16)


12 - 42






Technology leadership is an important leadership issue. The purpose of this research is to explore the impact of the current situations of the 3-in-1 Organizational Learning Model (3-in-1 OLM), including school vision, system thinking and principals' technology leadership, and its relation to school efficiency of the public junior high schools in Taichung City, and to analyze the differences between them according to their variables. This study tried to explore the relationships between the school vision, system thinking, principals' technology leadership, and school effectiveness. This research explores some issues about the relations between organizational learning model and school effectiveness; Questionnaire survey method was adopted. 435 teachers from 18 municipal junior high schools in Taichung City were surveyed. The collected data were analyzed by various statistical methods including t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and the multiple regression analysis. These conclusions were summarized below. 1. There were high positive correlations between school vision, system thinking, principals' technology leadership and school effectiveness of the public junior high schools in Taichung City. 2. principals' technology leadership had influence on system thinking, school vision and school effectiveness of the public junior high schools in Taichung City. 3. The system thinking had influence on school vision and school effectiveness of the public junior high schools in Taichung City.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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