


New Generation Learning Spaces: Ideals and Planning




湯志民(Chih-Min Tang)


學習空間 ; 新世代學習空間 ; 學習成效 ; 規劃重點 ; 重要類型 ; learning spaces ; new generation learning spaces ; learning performance ; planning focus ; main types




128期(2020 / 07 / 16)


1 - 18






The new generation learning space should be student-centred, and adopts multi-mode and multi-center space configuration and flexible furniture, and is designed based on ICT to fit the space and facilities for the diverse learning needs. The planning of the new generation learning space must have a new space model and advanced technological equipment to meet the learning style, interests and needs of the new generation of students. In the 21st century, students' learning is based on the development of ICT, Industry 4.0 and 5G. Their learning model is very different from that of students in the 20th century. The research and appearance of the new generation of learning space are even more varied. This article explores the meaning and characteristics of the new generation learning space, learning performance, planning focus, and main types, respectively, for the reference of universities, primary and secondary schools in planning campuses and learning spaces.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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