


Definitions, Approaches and Analytic Methods for Educational Leadership




葉連祺(Lain-Chyi Yeh)


領導取向 ; 領導定義 ; 領導理論 ; 領導DNA ; 領導取向發展剖面圖 ; leadership approach ; leadership definition ; leadership theory ; leadership DNA ; profile of leadership approach




128期(2020 / 07 / 16)


180 - 262






Definitions of leadership illustrate critical elements about leading. Leadership approaches describe the results of leadership theories and developments of leadership researches. However discussions about theoretical base and methodical issues on leadership definition and approach were few. So the study focused on exploring the related theories and analytic methods concerned with the definition and approach of educational leadership. Results showed definitions of leadership were various and different. Based upon leadership critical elements, leadership DNA conceptual frame and analytic methods were provided to understand the typology of leadership definition. Moreover researchers proposed complex viewpoints about leadership approach, and used various terminologies to describe leadership approach. Using visualization, profile of leadership approach (PLA) and 80% consensus area (CA) were provided to correct the developing period of leadership approach with citation analysis and other information retrieval technologies, as well as the evolutionary display for leadership theory and leadership approach (EDL) could use to illustrate the evolutionary networks of leadership theories and leadership approaches. Combined leadership with other disciplines have produced several new disciplines which bring some new viewpoints of leadership and influence leadership development, but related discussions concerned these new disciplines are few. Finally according to the relations between leadership theory and leadership approach, some theoretical discourses about content and attribute of leadership approach, generation views and forms of leadership approach as well as construction of high order leadership approach were all showed. Besides, grounded on the transformative relationships between leadership approach and leadership theory, some two-stage operations were proposed to test the quality of leadership approach, build new leadership approach or new leadership theory, or modify the content of leadership approach.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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