


Factors of Academic Achievement in Learning Areas of Junior High School Students




張芳全(Fang-Chung Chang)


國中生 ; 學習成就 ; 學習動機 ; 自我教育期望 ; junior high school student ; academic achievement ; learning motivation ; self-education expectations




128期(2020 / 07 / 16)


90 - 119






Existing research focused on the performance factors of students' mathematics, science and English learning, ignoring the analysis of art, health and sports, and comprehensive activity performance. To understand the impacted factors of the seven academic achievement of the students, this study employed the data of "Long-term Follow-up Survey Database of Junior High School Students Learning" and constructed the theory model that influenced student academic achievement based on the research data collected from the Keelung City junior high students. This research used multiple regression analysis to analyze the factors. The selected samples of this research were 746 junior high school students. The results were the following: 1. The mother 's education level had a systemic positively effect on the seven learning achievements, however, gender, father's education level, tutoring time and cultural capital had no systemic positively effect, besides the mother 's nationality and parental education expectations had no significant effect on academic achievement. 2. It was very important that student's self-education expectations, learning motivations and reading attitudes had a positive effect on learning achievements in the seven fields achievement respectively. 3. The interaction between students and families' members and the interaction of their classmates had no systematic impact on the seven field of achievement, while the interaction with their tutors had a positive and significant impact on the academic performance of arts, health and sports, and comprehensive activities. It was important that students whose mothers were less educated had poorer performance in integrated activities in arts, health and sports respectively; at the same time, there was no significant difference in the learning performance of new immigrants and students of their nationalities in various fields. This was different from the stereotyped impression that society often performed poorly on immigrant students.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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