


Using PLS-SEM in Educational Leadership Research




葉連祺(Lain-Chyi Yeh)


偏最小平方結構方程模式 ; 教育領導 ; 教育研究 ; partial least squares structural equation modeling ; PLS-SEM ; educational leadership ; education research




130期(2020 / 11 / 16)


132 - 181






PLS-SEM can analyze formative constructs and formative indicators, as well as adapt well to small sample and non-normal sample. Recently using software of PLS-SEM prevails among researchers in different disciplines, related application studies and analysis methods for PLS-SEM increase gradually, but lack for systematic discourse on it. So the study focused upon discussing the development of PLS-SEM, also explored several themes about educational leadership research using PLS-SEM. The results showed clear developments of PLS, PLS-PM and PLS-SEM with Bibliometrics, proposed different translations about them in Chinese, and then discussed their definitions. Moreover some different theoretic bases and method characters showed among SEM, PLS-SEM and GSCASEM. This study also proposed how to assess model quality, conducted basic and advance analytic procedure, operated software, and illustrated regulations of final report about PLS-SEM. Finally this study described characters of educational leadership research, discussed how to connect educational leadership research with PLS-SEM, and pointed out application theme for using PLS-SEM.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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