


The Research on Graduate Students' Learning Effectiveness by Synchronized Distance and IRS Teaching for Different Learning Styles




楊慶麟(Ching-Lin Yang)


互動反應系統 ; 研究生學習 ; 學習成效 ; 學習風格 ; graduate student's learning ; learning effectiveness ; learning style ; Intercative Rresponce System




130期(2020 / 11 / 16)


261 - 284






The purpose of this research is to explore the impact of distance synchronization and IRS adopted by graduate students on the learning effectiveness of students with different learning styles, and to make specific recommendations based on the research results for teachers and future researchers who implement distance and IRS teaching in universities. In order to achieve the purpose of research, the interview method is adopted, and the students studying "Innovative Education Issues" in the educational graduate school of a northern university are used as the research cases. IRS and remote digital simultaneous teaching are used for research. The course period is from March to July 2020, After the course is over, qualitative interviews are conducted to realize interviews on the effectiveness of distance and IRS teaching, the differences in learning styles, and learning effectiveness. After coding and analysis, the following conclusions are finally obtained: (1) Remote synchronization and IRS teaching have their advantages. Advantages include 1. Long-distance reduces transportation time and the trouble of carrying papers, 2. Teachers' teaching ability and peer interaction are still the mainly crucial point, 3. The concealment of the virtual studio, the completeness of the equipment and the bandwidth of web are the key concepts to the quality of the course, 4. Online feedback and discussion can be done instantly, which is helpful for learning and reflection. (2) There is stilll large spaces for improvement in remote synchronization and IRS teaching. Suggestions include: 1. Good teaching must have complete equipment and operations to arrive its effectiveness, 2. Provide electronic files with teaching effects, 3. For remote class frequency, it can be announced and confirmed in the first class., 4. It can develop a platform for students to share with other students and provide more high-bandwidth information conditions, 5. Distance teaching can improve interpersonal related emotions and encourage students to ask questions 6. Face-to-face teaching has its value and can be adopted to use. (3) Students with different learning styles are almost the same in learning satisfaction under remote synchronous and IRS teaching mode. After teaching, students with different learning styles have good satisfaction, and there is no obvious difference. It shows that students with different learning styles have no distinct bias towards the remote synchronization and IRS teaching mode.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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