


Research of the Leadership Wisdom for Professional Learning Community




林志成(Chih-Cheng Lin);周雯娟(Wen-Chuan Chou)


行動智慧 ; 校長領導 ; 專業學習社群領導 ; 雙社群領導智慧 ; dual community leadership of principals and teachers ; principal leadership ; professional learning community leadership ; wisdom for action




131期(2021 / 01 / 16)


1 - 21






The leadership of the professional learning community is to establish school characteristics, high efficient schools and continuous professional development through the cooperation, power sharing and continuous learning within members of the learning community. Deepening the action wisdom of the dual community leadership of principals and teachers is not only an important aspect of principals' professional development, but also an important issue of school administration research. This paper explores the challenges faced by principals and coping strategies in the dual community leadership of peers and teachers. The challenges principals faced include: 1. Conducting the theory of the wisdom of the professional learning community in a rapid changing society; 2. General challenges for principals and of a professional community leadership; 3. The Wisdom of Community Leadership is still a lack of discussion and inquiry as a challenge for participation. To solve the challenges, the action strategies are recommended as follows: 1. Enhance the effectiveness of the team's high-level psychological interaction. 2. Utilize the community leadership to inspire the school's professional and intellectual capital, which can enhance the "potential energy of developing knowledge and technology" of the school. 3. Utilize the dual-community leadership experience helps to deepen the principal's leadership of "awareness, learning, doing and thinking". 4. Learn the perspective of the principal's leadership wisdom of the dual-professional learning community's leadership wisdom of "aware, learn, do, and think".

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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