


Implications and Development of Identity Leadership




謝傳崇(Chuan-Chung Hsieh)


校長領導 ; 認定領導 ; 領導理論 ; principal leadership ; identity leadership ; leadership theory




131期(2021 / 01 / 16)


106 - 117




有別於過去以行為控制觀點提出之領導行為,認定領導(identity leadership)著重在探討領導者如何影響部屬內在而深層的自我概念。認定領導為新興的領導理論,強調透過領導者如何影響團隊成員並創造一整體和不可分的環境,使得個體認知他們屬於團隊內的一員,並使個體追求團體利益,著重團隊而非個人。本研究旨在介紹認定領導,包括意涵、維度、相關文獻以及發展等,期能對後續研究有所助益。


Apart from behavior control emphasized by traditional leadership, identity leadership focused on the process of social identification by which social identities are internalized. By developing and directing a shared sense of 'us', successful leadership involves making followers want to contribute to shared goals. The study introduces identity leadership along with its implications and development in the hope of contributing to future works.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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