


The Relationship Between Educational Expectations of High Socio Economic Status Parent and Students' English Academic Achievement: A Parallel Mediation Analysis




張芳全(Fang-Chung Chang)


家長教育期望 ; 英文學習動機 ; 學術自我效能 ; 家長參與 ; 師生互動關係 ; 英文學習成就 ; parental education expectations ; English learning achievement ; parental involvement ; academic self-efficacy ; interaction of teacher-students




131期(2021 / 01 / 16)


22 - 50






Families with high socioeconomic status not only had more learning resources for their children to learn, but also parents had higher educational expectations for their children; children felt their parents' educational expectations, which can improve their performance in learning. But was this social stereotypes really so? Our study used junior high school student learning survey database to analyze the relationship between parental education expectations and English learning achievements of 274 junior high school students in Keelung City. In the study, a model was constructed, with parent education expectations as input variables, English learning motivation, academic self-efficacy, parent participation in education, and teacher-student interaction as mediated variables, and English learning achievement as the outcome variable, which was tested by structural equation modeling to test. The following conclusions were obtained: Parents' educational expectations with high socioeconomic status positively significant affected the four mediated factors; parents' educational expectations directly affected English learning achievements, and among the four mediators, English learning motivation not only influenced English learning achievements, but also was the largest and only factor expected by parent education to positively significant affected English learning achievement through the four mediators. The contribution of this research lied in the discovery of parents with high social and economic status expect to see that English learning motivation had the greatest mediating effect through the four parallel mediating variables on English learning achievement, while the other three mediating variables did not significantly affect English learning performance. Discussed the conclusions in depth and provided suggestions for parents and teachers to guide students for reference.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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