


A Study on Curricular Innovation and Teaching Practices in a Public School Managed by the Private Sector




陳碧卿(Bi-Ching Chen);范熾文(Chin-Wen Fan);吳正成(Cheng-Cheng Wu)


公辦民營學校 ; 課程創新 ; 教學實踐 ; The private management of public schools ; curricular innovation ; teaching practices




132期(2021 / 03 / 16)


123 - 144




本研究旨在探討一所公辦民營學校在課程創新與教學實踐之作為,以半結構式訪談作為主要之資料蒐集方法,並輔以參與觀察及文件分析。研究結果發現:1.校長在學校課程創新的理念為開發學生的潛能與性向,並以培養能專注自己(自發)、關心別人(互動)、改變世界(共好)的地球公民為教學目標;2.學校在提升教師專業知能與促進課程教學的團隊動能的做法:以建構「人師」的核心價值與目標,並形塑創新教學與優質教師學習共同體文化;3.學校之課程特色是:兼顧學力的自然與人文在地課程及以解決問題為導向的創意行動方案DFC(Design for Change)創意教學;4.學校在推動實驗教育創新有高度成效。最後本文提出二點建議:第一、多元培育師資並強化教師的穩定度,持續的教師專業成長與發展;第二、注入資源及社區家長共學模式,各學習主軸可再延伸並深化主題課程。


This study attempted to discuss the curricular innovation and teaching practices in a public school managed by the private sector using a semi-structured interview to collect primary data, supplemented with participant observation and data analysis. Research findings indicate the following. First of all, the principal believes that an innovative curriculum facilitates students' ability to develop their potential and characters. To nurture our next generation to become global citizens, the curriculum should uphold the three values of the 12-year Basic Education in Taiwan: students' intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies such as self-development and caring for others, and contribution to public goods. Second, to enhance teachers' pedagogical competence and promote team-building in curricular design, the school stresses the importance of building exemplars to guide students, shaping the culture of innovative teaching and building a learning community where exceptional teachers are asked to partake in. Third, The characteristics of curriculum not only pay attention to academic ability, but also integrate local resources where students can immerse themselves in local nature and culture. DFC (Design for Change), a creative teaching method used to develop students' problem solving, is also highlighted in the curriculum. Last, the school proves to be successful in promoting experimental and innovative education. Finally, the findings of the study suggested that it is important to train teachers in multiple ways and strengthen the stability of teachers, and continuous teacher professional growth and development is also necessary. Moreover, each learning spindle can be extended and deepened thematic courses by injecting resources and sharing parental learning model in the community.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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