


Professional Perspectives and Role Recognition of School Principals Under the Influences of Education Reform




林斐霜(Fei-Shuang Lin)


學校教育變遷 ; 學校校長 ; 專業視野 ; 角色體認 ; Education Reform ; School Principals ; Professional Perspectives ; Role Recognition




133期(2021 / 05 / 16)


179 - 202






This research focused on school principals' professional practices under the influences of education reform. This study reports the results from literature review that survey scholarly articles, books and other sources relevant to the research problems. The following research questions guided this study: What is the current trend of education reform in schools? Under the influence of the trend, what are the principals' professional perspectives and how do they recognize their roles? The findings indicate that the current trends of education reform in schools including six aspects: (1) requirement of educational efficiency and equity; (2) multicultural education; (3) global citizenship education; (4) project-based learning; (5) experiential learning; and (6) the influence of online technology. In this research, principals' professional perspectives and recognition of their roles influenced by the education reform include: (1) shaping a vision of academic success for all students; (2) creating a friendly education atmosphere, (3) sharing instructional leadership.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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