


A Study on the Implementation of Mentorship in the Elementary and Secondary School




黃居正(Chu-Cheng Huang);吳昌期(Chang-Chi Wu);蔡明貴(Ming-Kuei Tsai)


校長師徒制 ; 師傅校長 ; 徒弟校長 ; Mentorship ; Principal mentoring ; Principal mentor ; Principal protégé ; Mentee




133期(2021 / 05 / 16)


40 - 80






The principalship has changed significantly over the past 20 years. Many principal candidates and current principals are often inadequately prepared to meet the new demands of 21st century schools. Principals are expected to be responsible for each student's achievement. New principals, in particular, have felt unprepared for such a daunting task. Today's principals must be effective instructional leaders, managers of large facilities, and experts at analyzing data to successfully meet the accountability demands of high-stakes testing, along with Local Education Authority (LEA), and teachers and parents. The primary purpose of this paper is to examine how first and second year school principals received the mentoring training program. A sample of 47 experienced mentor and protégé were invited to the focus group and 1452 principals to complete an electronic survey via an online questionnaire. The findings reveal that mentees found mentoring/induction experiences with mentors highly valuable and this analysis suggested that: 1. A mentoring program can provide great benefits to organizations, to mentors, and to protégés. 2. The mentor and mentee need to form a trusting relationship. 3. Establish incentive system for the mentors. 4.Enhance the implementation of the mentorship counseling mode and the program goals, schedules, training, and evaluation. 5. Establish a "Mentor Program Resource Bank" for recruiting and developing mentors. 6. Prepare annual budget for mentorship. 7. Recommend mentors to serve as the representative of the Principal Selection Committee, superintendent or school evaluation committee. 8. Establish the online resources for the principals.9. Regularly hold forums for sharing the results of the implementation of the principal mentorship across counties and cities or across education systems. This study's value and originality presents the views of aspiring principals who valued the opportunity to the principal mentoring program that help them. Principal development requires a systematic and deliberate process of development, this study has provided insights into how aspiring principals learn through mentoring programs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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