


The Coping Strategies of School Administration and Teacher Teaching Under the COVID-19




林志成(Chih-Cheng Lin);黃健庭(Chien-ting Huang)


COVID-19 ; 科技資訊素養 ; 科技領導 ; 智慧校園 ; 線上教學 ; COVID-19 ; literacy of technology and information ; technology leadership ; smart campus ; online teaching




135期(2021 / 09 / 16)


28 - 52






The study aims to explore the coping strategies of school administration and teaching during the COVID-19 epidemic. The coping strategies of school administration include: 1. Accelerate the development of smart campuses; 2. Exert the function of technology leadership to achieve high-efficiency services; 3. Implement the curriculum plan for the epidemic; 4. Build the support system and improve measures; 5. Utilize contingency and flexible alternative adapted to school conditions; 6. Establish the mechanism for disadvantaged students and psychological counseling. The coping strategies of teaching mainly include: 1. Enhance professional quality of online teaching and establish online classroom principles; 2. Identify the success factors of distance teaching and improve the motivation to learn; 3. Enhance the efficiency of the integration of information into teaching and improve teachers' technological pedagogical and content knowledge; 4. Strengthen the sense of value and IT literacy to face challenges; 5. Improve the collective intelligence of the teacher to solve problems together;6. Unblock the communication channels among teachers, parents and students to seek the common good through collaborative work.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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