


Leadership Is Aesthetic: The Concept, Cases Analysis and Development Strategies of Principal's Aesthetic of Leadership




施智文(Chih-Wen Shih);范熾文(Chih-Wen Fan)


美學 ; 校長領導 ; 校長領導美學 ; aesthetic ; principal leadership ; principal's aesthetic of leadership




135期(2021 / 09 / 16)


53 - 73






Principles play various roles in their leadership and responsibilities in schools. They practice the leadership and responsibilities into educational actions based on their own educational philosophy. Principles can go further to develop comprehensive and appropriate roles through their cognition, perception and practicing in the aesthetics of the leadership. It's all in order to achieve the education goals of school development. The article, through review and interpretation of literature, define the characteristics of aesthetics and integrate them into the needs of the principal's leadership.The main purpose is to analyze the significance, practical enlightenment and the characteristics of the principal's leadership in aesthetics, It includes to explore the development strategies of the principal's leadership aesthetics through actual cases. The first part of the articles is the preface. The second part is to analyze the significances of the principle's leadership in aesthetics. The third part is to discuss the relevant argument of the principle's leadership in aesthetics. The fourth part is to go forward to the discussion of the actual actions for the principle's leadership in aesthetics. The fifth part is to analyze the cases under the principle's leadership in aesthetics. And then it provides the strategies for developing the principle's leadership in aesthetics. Finally, it is contributing to the conclusion.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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