


Cross-field Integration of School Epidemic Prevention Education in Higher School




陳玄康(Chen Shiuan-Kang);何高志(Ho Kao-Chih)


學校防疫教育 ; 跨領域整合 ; 教學策略 ; School Epidemic Prevention Education ; Cross-field integration ; Teaching strategy




137期(2022 / 01 / 16)


208 - 223






The COVID-19 has caused panic around the world. The beginning of school epidemic prevention measures, but there is no exclusive subject for epidemic prevention education. It is to impart knowledge, affection, and skills to students through issue-based integration into teaching. Based on education, this research proposes the promotion areas and feasible promotion strategies for epidemic prevention education. In terms of the promotion areas, epidemic prevention education originated from the three fields of school education, sustainable environment, and public health. Through cross-field integration, the three aspects of environmental education, healthy environment and sanitation education are developed. School Epidemic prevention education is the center of the intersection. There are six feasible strategies for school promotion: 1. Improve citizenship 2. Improve environmental identity 3. Train self-learning ability 4. Cultivate value judgment ability 5. Increase outdoor leisure activities 6. Implement primary counseling. The strategies listed above are for reference by educational units and prevent epidemics. The positive influence brought by the school epidemic prevention education, to protect each other, and create a healthy and safe environment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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