


Policy Design of High School Principal Candidate Selection and Leadership Training: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Singapore




謝文瑾(Wen-Chin Shie);謝文琪(Wen-Chi Shie)


校長甄選 ; 校長儲訓 ; 副校長 ; 校長領導 ; 高級中等教育 ; principal selection ; principal training ; vice principal ; principal leadership ; high school education




137期(2022 / 01 / 16)


246 - 264






Based on existing educational law, Taiwan's principal education system that includes the selection and leadership training of principal candidates and principals is only limited to elementary schools and middle schools. High schools are included in the 12-year Basic Education; however, the selection and leadership training of high school principal candidates are not included in current high school principal preparation policy nor regulated in educational law. Therefore, this research focuses on the front-end of principal preparation - the institutional design of a high school principal candidate selection and leadership training. This comparative study selected Singapore as the research case in comparison to Taiwan because of its similar economy, cultural background, and education system. To be more specific, Singapore is selected because of its unique education system that includes professional development, career tracks, and vice principals. Comparative method and documentary analysis were utilized to analyze data collected from official websites and related education laws and institutions in Taiwan and Singapore. Our analysis focuses on four dimensions: 1) teacher career tracks; 2) selection of high school principal candidates; 3) leadership training of high school principal candidates; and 4) implementations of high school principal candidate training. Finally, this research suggests three policy recommendations for Taiwan's government to design future policy regarding high school principal candidate selection and training.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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