


The Ideas and Planning of 21st Century Competences Development




于承平(Cheng-Ping Yu)


21世紀能力 ; 技能 ; 芬蘭 ; 核心素養 ; 素養 ; 21st century competences ; skills ; Finland ; core competences ; literacy




138期(2022 / 03 / 16)


150 - 178






In response to the industry 4.0 trend of "smart manufacturing", formed by the close integration of technologies such as the Internet of Things, digitalized factories, cloud services, and communications. Everyone will spend more time on social and emotional skills, creativity, higher-level cognitive skills, and so on. Because of these 21st century competences, everyone must constantly update, upgrade and deepen their skills to achieve the goal of national lifelong learning. This study discusses this policy. In addition, in order to focus and clearly highlight the key points of problem analysis, this study uses literature analysis and the method of document analysis to investigate. First of all, clarify the meaning of literacy, then explore the 21st century competences policy development context and connotation of the development of contemporary social life in different countries and regions, also because the directions for curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education is similar to Finland, that we explore its core curriculum of the 21st century competences. Finally, the integration analysis puts forward the discussion and reflection of Taiwan's core competences connotation, as Taiwan's promotion of relevant policy reference.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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