


Research on the Influence of Family Capital and Significant Others on the Grit: Comparing Junior High Students of Various Mother Nationalities




蕭美雯(Mei-Wen Hsiao);吳京玲(Ching-Ling Wu)


恆毅力 ; 家庭資本 ; 重要他人 ; 國中生 ; Grit ; Family Capital ; Significant Others ; Junior High Students




138期(2022 / 03 / 16)


52 - 73






High school is a critical period for physical and mental development, especially for the development of grit. This research extracted 1,297 samples of junior high students from 2016 "Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement Database". Sampled students were divided into three groups based on their mothers' nationalities of Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and Mainland China to conduct empirical analysis. Research methods employed were descriptive statistics, variance test, and linear regression. Research results revealed that junior high students of Southeast Asian mothers had the scantiest family capital. The peer relationship of junior high students of Mainland Chinese mothers required attention. Positive relationships with teachers and peers benefited the grit of junior high students. Last, this research provided practical suggestions to educational bureaus, school administrators and teachers on how to develop junior high students' grit.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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