


The Value and Practice of Growth Mindset in the New Trend of Contemporary Education




曾愛愛(Aoi Aoi Chen)


成長型思維 ; 教師成長型思維 ; 內隱理論 ; Growth Mindset ; Teacher Growth Mindset ; Implicit Theories




140期(2022 / 07 / 16)


122 - 141






Growth mindset is an emerging mindset theory. In recent years, numerous studies have found that growth mindset stimulates intrinsic motivation, promotes learning effectiveness, positive engagement and resilience, reduces stress, enhances emotional regulation, and well-being. The development of growth mindset is undoubtedly the new trend in contemporary education. Therefore, growth mindset is great significant in the professional development of teachers in this new era. The purpose of this study is to introduce the characteristics of growth mindset, the value of growth mindset, and related studies. Finally, several suggestions and classroom practices are proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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