
臺灣國中小、高中教師的班級經營狀況-基於TALIS 2018調查結果分析


Primary and Secondary School Teachers' Classroom Management in Taiwan: Based on TALIS2018 Survey




甘火花(Huo-Hua Gan)


班級經營 ; 班級管理 ; 教與學國際調查 ; TALIS ; classroom management ; classroom management ; teaching and learning international survey ; TALIS




140期(2022 / 07 / 16)


53 - 83






Based on the data of TALIS 2018 teacher questionnaire, this study aims to explore the situation of classroom management of primary and secondary school teachers in Taiwan from three aspects: Pre-service and in-service teachers' training for classroom management, classroom management behaviors, and self-efficacy by secondary data analysis. The situation of classroom management of primary and secondary school teachers in Taiwan presented as following: 1. Compared with the mean value of TALIS, the proportion of teachers receiving classroom management teacher training courses was very high and the gap was small, the pre-service teacher education and on-the-job training of classroom management had great advantages. 2. The classroom management teacher training courses perceived by middle school teachers had the highest readiness, high school teachers had the lowest readiness, and elementary school teachers had the highest demand. 3. The frequency of teachers' classroom management behaviors was similar, from high to low was: obey classroom rules - listen to me - be quiet - comfort students, but upper-class teachers paid more attention to appeasing disturbing students than lower-class teachers. 4. In the atmosphere of a specific class, the recognition of teachers at all levels from high to low was to create a pleasant atmosphere-wast time due to interruptions-there is interference noise and wait for students to be quiet, but high school teachers perceived more class noise, interference or interruption than the other two. 5. Teachers at all levels spent about 15% of the total teaching time in maintaining class order, and the pressure varied with teaching grades and experience. Senior high school teachers had the greatest pressure, senior elementary teachers had the least pressure, the pressure between senior and junior teachers in elementary schools was the smallest, and the pressure between senior and junior teachers in middle school was the largest. 6. As for the self-efficacy of classroom management, elementary school teachers were slightly higher than middle school teachers, middle school teachers were slightly higher than high school teachers, and high school teachers had the lowest self-efficacy. On the whole, all the surveys of primary and junior high school teachers' perceptions of classroom management had performed well, senior high school teachers had a room for improving. Based on this, four enlightenments were put forward.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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