


Seeing an Elementary School's Aesthetic Practice




鄭素靜(Shu-Ching Cheng)


校園美感實踐 ; 後現代 ; 美感空間 ; 閒置空間再造 ; aesthetic practice on campus ; postmodern ; aesthetic space ; vacant space reuse




142期(2022 / 11 / 16)


120 - 140






Aesthetics is the perceptual cognition of mental status, it is the process of purifying the mind and awakening the soul. Furthermore, that achieves the all-round development, and closely related to countries' competitiveness. The value of aesthetics exceeds visible materials. Schools are important places for educating children to adapt to the world, and aesthetics cannot be excluded. Aesthetic spaces have several characteristics such as curriculum associating with aesthetic environment, connection between aesthetic environment and times, and materials integrating into aesthetic environment. It also has features of functionality, symbolism, coordination, connectivity and inspiration. 1. Functionality: Not only the function of practical use for education, but also the spiritual function that can satisfy the aesthetic experience. 2. Symbolism: The symbol of the campus art space can express the spirit, the value and the idea of school. 3. Coordination: Coordinate materials, color scheme and design principles to present harmonious rhythm on the spaces. 4. Connectivity: Connecting the new and the old, the present and the past, teachers and students, the community and the school. Furthermore, people resonate with the imagery of aesthetic spaces that generating meaningful connection. 5. Inspiration: Mental state can be spirited up through the signifier in every aesthetic space. The categories of aesthetic practice are divided into the process, the form, the method, materials and personnel. Spaces of vacant classrooms, staircases, corridors, columns and walls where aesthetic feelings might occur, and internal dialogue can be constructed in art. The little narrative is the quintessence in postmodern, new ideas and creative abilities constantly engage in our daily life. In order to present characters of local cultural features and harmonious design, it needs art-related member to join the executive team.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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