


An Inquiry on Educational Research by Using R Language and Text Mining Technology




楊金君(Chin-Chun Yang);沈秋宏(Chiu-Hung Shen);蔡金田(Chin-Tien Tsai)


R語言 ; 文字探勘 ; 教育研究 ; R language ; text mining ; educational research




143期(2023 / 01 / 16)


120 - 150






Using R language to write text mining technology, conduct systematic review and research of huge amount of literature, hope to grasp the development track of a certain research topic, and the knowledge map of important literature, retrospective research on future education is an urgent need for development and borrowing way. Through R language concept analysis, this research understands the meaning of text mining, and writes the grammar of text mining in R language, performs the function of drawing visualization, finds valuable features and correlations in the data, and illustrates the use of text mining technology with examples. , to integrate and analyze a large amount of academic network data, so that the text information can be focused and extended, and then interpret its meaning through abstract theories, thereby triggering reflection and finding valuable characteristics and correlations in the data. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations of the research results are presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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