


Toward Reading Rock: A Beginning Principal's Vision Leadership Concept and Practice




魏士欽(Shih-Chin Wei);范熾文(Chi-Wen Fan)


願景領導 ; 閱讀磐石獎 ; 初任校長 ; Visionary Leadership ; Best Reading Rock Award ; A Beginning Principal




143期(2023 / 01 / 16)


151 - 173






The purpose of this study is to explore a century-old elementary school with the characteristic of developing reading education. We adopt the case study method, interviewing the teachers and gathered relevant data with observation records, file analysis, and self-reflection notes. It mainly discusses how a beginning principal in a century-old elementary school can effectively execute the reading plan with vision leadership. The principal also leads community partners to solve the problems encountered in the process of joining the program. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. Principal's vision to promote the reading education mainly focuses on students' learning, teacher profession and parents' partnership. Practice strategy of principal's vision include resources integration, environment equipment, curriculum development, teachers profession and effectiveness evaluation. Finally, suggestions for schools that are interested in promoting reading education, as well as recommendations for future study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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