


The Development of the Global Campus Indicators Based on the GLOBAL Model




黎士鳴(Shih-Ming Li);湯堯(Tang Yao)


全球化能力 ; 校園教育指標 ; 國際教育 ; global competence ; campus education indicators ; international education




143期(2023 / 01 / 16)


196 - 225




面對當前全球化的時代,如何建構全球化校園將是高等教育機構的重要任務。本研究以GLOBAL模式為基礎,參照全球化校園藍圖,透過三階段研究來建構全球化校園教育指標系統。第一階段由國內7名國際教育相關學者來建構校園指標系統,第二階段邀請國內高等教育機構相關專家學者9名及具有全球移動經驗之學生5名採用模糊德懷術法(fuzzy Delphi method, FDM)篩選重要指標,第三階段邀請高教國際事務專家10名透過階層分析法(analytic hierarchy process, AHP)程序彙整出核心能力與推動向度之相對權重。根據專家學者之建議發展出涵蓋6大能力、18個推動向度以及54項細部指標之校園指標系統,進一步,透過模糊德懷術法選取重要指標形成三階層指標系統,並透過權重分析發現拓展全球視野、鼓勵外語學習、推行專業創新、強化人際網絡、尊重多元文化與力行運動養身是首要校園推動向度。本研究發展GLOBAL校園教育指標與重要推動項目,可提供高等教育機構建立全球化校園之基礎。


Facing the era of globalization, the global competence of college students has become a key factor in career development. The goal of this study aimed to construct a set of global campus indicators for undergraduate in Taiwan. In first stage, the indicator system of the GLOBAL model will be developed form interviewing with professional. The second stage, fuzzy Delphi method was used to select the most important index. The third stage analysis hierarchy process (AHP) are applied to weight for higher education by 10 practitioners with international experience in the higher education. It is found that the GLOBAL model can apply to high education. Through the advice of experts and scholars, the three-level indicator system is developed, covering six capabilities, 18 promoting strategies and 54 detailed indicators. In addition, through the weight analysis, it is found that expanding the global vision, encouraging foreign language learning, promoting professional innovation, strengthening the interpersonal network, multicultural campus and regular exercising is the primary campus promoting strategies. With the GLOBAL model and indictor system, the high education will engage related course and activities to construct the global campus to enhance the students' global competence.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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