It has always been the topic issue of all countries concerning about whether the teachers' working environment of primary and secondary school teachers is sound or not. This very issue, including the working conditions of teachers (weekly working hours, remuneration and welfare), and the numbers of hours that teachers spend on teaching and student counseling are also hot topics for international organizations to conduct cross-country comparisons. This topic is been connected to teacher mental health like teacher's emotion and stresses etc., and also affects the willingness of aspirants who attend the teacher education pre-service courses as well as to serve as teachers in the future. Therefore, the topic of teachers' overworking is not only worthy for authorities to pay attention, but also needs to be provided more widely discussion and suggestions by ways of academic researching. The main purpose of this article is going to provide some recommendations via introducing the hot topics that occurred in Japan's education field: teachers' overworking. By analyzing the reasons that caused teachers' overworking and the disadvantages to the school scene, this article hopes that such similar situation can be avoided, and a healthy working environment can be ensured for teachers in Taiwan.
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