


The Differences in Family Socioeconomic Status and Learning Achievement of Junior High School Students




張芳全(Fang-Chung Chang)


多變項變異數分析 ; 學習成就 ; 學習領域 ; 國中生 ; 家庭社經地位 ; academic achievement ; family socioeconomic status ; field of study ; junior high school students ; multivariate analysis of variance




144期(2023 / 03 / 16)


1 - 28




長期以來忽略對於臺灣國中生的家庭社經地位與各學習領域的學習成就之差異。本研究以國中生學習狀況調查資料庫,探討國中生的家庭社經地位在國文、英文、數學、社會、藝文、自然、健體、綜合活動學習領域之學習成就差異。為了瞭解不同家庭社經地位在八項學習領域學習成就差異,分別間隔一年資料分析,從15所國中1,234名學生在三年各個領域學習成就,並對家庭社經地位分為高、中、低三層,透過多變項變異數分析,獲得結論如下: 高、中、低的家庭社經地位之學生分別在七、八及九年級的國文、英文、數學、社會、藝文、自然、健體、綜合活動之學習成就有明顯不同,尤其在八項學習領域中,高社經地位家庭的學生在數學與英文的學習成績高於低社經地位家庭學生最多。很顯然,家庭社經地位仍是學生學習表現差異的重要因素。本研究貢獻在於,長期追蹤不同家庭社經地位的國中生在八項學習領域的學習成就有明顯差異,學校、教師及家長對低家庭社經地位子女提供適切的扶助學習,避免學習成就更落後。針對結論深入討論,提出具體建議。


For a long time, the differences in the family socioeconomic status (SES) of Taiwanese junior high school students and their learning achievements in various fields of study have been ignored. This research used the survey database of junior high school students' learning status to explore the differences in learning achievement of junior high school students' family SES in the fields of Chinese, English, mathematics, society, arts, nature, health-sports, and comprehensive activities. In order to understand the differences in the learning achievements of different families' SES in the eight major learning areas, the data were analyzed at intervals of one year, and the learning achievements of 1,234 students from 15 junior high schools in three years in various fields were divided into high, medium, and low family SES. At the third level, through multivariate variance analysis, the conclusions were as follows: students with high, medium and low family SES were in the seventh, eighth and ninth grades of Chinese, English, mathematics, society, arts, nature, and health, respectively. The learning achievements of physical and comprehensive activities were significantly different, especially in the eight major learning areas, students from high socioeconomic status families have the highest academic performance in mathematics and English than students from low SES families. Clearly, family SES is still an important factor in differences in students' learning performance. The contribution of this research lied in the long-term tracking of junior high school students with different family SES, there were significant differences in their learning achievement in the eight major learning areas. Schools, teachers and parents provide children with low SES with appropriate support in learning, to reduce achievement disparities due to SES. In-depth discussion of the conclusions and specific suggestions are put forward.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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