


Postmodern Aesthetic Campus Environment's Practice & Interpretation




鄭素靜(Shu-Ching Cheng)


後現代 ; 校園美感環境營造 ; 符號分析 ; 詮釋 ; 藝術經驗 ; Postmodern ; postmodern aesthetic campus environment ; semiotic analysis ; hermeneutics ; the experiences of art




144期(2023 / 03 / 16)


147 - 166






Postmodernism impacts many aspects of the culture, including architecture. Perspectives which feature both native humanistic features and local characteristics for Taiwanese school architecture become more and more commonly. Also, architectural standard drawings are transformed into drawings with school’s specific features. In the era of globalization, aesthetics has become a significant study. Aesthetics affects life quality, industries and countries' competitiveness. Putting aesthetics into practice on campus and enhancing the aesthetic quality constantly to keep up with culture pulse are perfectly definite goals. The executing process should be based on the essence of the triple administrative system which includes planning, execution and assessment. Aesthetics should be involved in the sections of planning and execution in order to put aesthetics into practice on campus. School's art-related members deal with communicating and coordinating among administrative units and firms so as to make drawings contain the metaphor of school's humanistic spirit, curriculum characteristics and postmodernism thinking. In addition, the members ensure aesthetic contents and the quality in perfect performance. The analysis of campus aesthetic environments, which is on the basis of Charles W. Morris's semiotic theory is divided into three categories of syntactics, semantics and pragmatics. The analysis can be used to become the opportunity for further interpretation. Syntactics contains the rules of semiotic construction. Semantics contains semiotic meanings and values. Pragmatics is relevant to internal and external factors, and all these factors influence the performance of semiotics. Postmodern aesthetic campus environment not only provides aesthetic experiences to individuals, but also brings the complete meaning of the experiences of art through the process of interpretation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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