


Effects of Self-Efficacy and School Environmental Factors on Elementary School Teachers' Professional Development Activity




蕭佳純(Chia Chun Hsiao)


自我效能 ; 參與專業發展活動 ; 資料庫分析 ; 學校環境因素 ; self-efficacy ; professional development activity ; database analyst ; school environmental factors




145期(2023 / 05 / 16)


107 - 131




教師專業的持續發展是確保教育品質的重要環節,本研究以跨層次理論,分別從教師個人因素及學校因素來討論影響教師參與專業發展活動的因素。且因為教師是巢套在同一學校領導之下,故運用階層線性模式進行研究分析,以了解彼此變項之間的脈絡效果與跨層級交互作用。本研究運用TALIS 2018國際資料庫探討臺灣國民小學教師自我效能、學校環境因素對參與專業發展活動的影響,其中學校環境因素包含共享權責、信任文化以及校長參與專業發展活動,並且以學校環境因素為跨層次調節變項。研究對象為臺灣國民小學共計200所學校,3,494名參與TALIS 2018調查研究之教師。研究結果發現:自我效能、共享權責、信任文化、校長參與專業發展活動對參與專業發展活動有正向的直接影響效果,而且校長參與專業發展活動可在學生投入、一般教學與參與專業發展活動關係間具有跨層次調節效果。


The continuous development of teachers' profession is an important part to ensure the quality of education. With multilevel theory, teachers' personal factors and school factors are used for discussing the effects on teachers' professional development activity in this study. Since teachers are nested under the same school leadership, hierarchical linear model is applied in the research analysis to understand the contextual effect and cross-level interaction effect among variables. The international database, TALIS 2018, is applied to discuss the effects of elementary school teachers' self-efficacy and school environmental factors on professional development activity, where school environmental factors contains shared rights & responsibilities, trust culture, and principals participate in professional development activities. School environmental factors is used as the cross-level moderator. Total 3,494 teachers from 200 elementary schools in Taiwan participate in the TALIS 2018 survey, as the research objects. The research findings show that self-efficacy, shared rights & responsibilities, trust culture, and principals participate in professional development activities present positive and direct effects on professional development activity, and principals participate in professional development activities shows cross-level moderating effects on the relations among student involvement, general teaching, and professional development activity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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