


Investigating Product Evolution from the Development of Vacuum Cleaner




王明堂(Ming-Tang Wang);游萬來(Man-Lai You)


吸塵器 ; 演化論 ; 產品演化 ; Evolutionism ; Product evolution ; Vacuum cleaner




11卷2期(2006 / 06 / 01)


1 - 19




本文以個案研究的方法探討產品在環境影響下的變化。文中經由觀察吸塵器誕生後的發展過程,亦即它所經歷的生命史中,歸納出它所顯現的演變現象有些似乎和演化論有相似之處,例如:Lamarck的用進廢退演化現象,Darwin天擇說(Natural Selection)中的變異、過度繁殖、生存競爭、適者生存等,及集合各家說法的Neo-Darwinism(現代綜合理論)中的突變等。經由觀察吸塵器的功能及造形演變和演化理論所存在的相似關係,本文初步推論演化現象似乎也可套用於產品世界,因此試著解釋產品演化的初步意義,並說明它的的可能機制,並概略整理出產品演化與生物演化的差異,藉以釐清兩者不能完全對比,也就是產品的演化現象還需進一步深入探討,才能真正瞭解。本文提出的產品演化概念,將有助於在做產品企畫時,以演化的內涵加上環境因素的影響,而推論或演算出產品的發展方向,並在產品設計的初步創意階段提供大量構想,使得產品的發展因充滿不同的想像力而有更深遠視野。


This paper examines the transformation of products under environmental influences. Tracing the development process (i.e. the life history) of vacuum cleaner, we found similarities between product development and evolution trend, such as the theory of ”evolve by use and degenerate by no-use” by Lamarck, the theories of mutation, excessive breeding, competition for existence, and survival of the fittest in the Theory of Natural Selection by Darwin and Wallace, as well as the theory of mutation in Neo-Darwinism (Modern Synthesis Theory). Applying the theory of evolution to the product development of vacuum cleaner, we attempted to explain the preliminary meanings and possible mechanisms of product evolution, and to compare and contrast product and biological evolution. The phenomenon of product evolution merits further investigation because understanding product evolution can help prepare product proposals. The development of a product can be predicted from its possible evolution under environmental influences. Moreover, such concept can provide abundant ideas for product designs at the initial design stage, endowing product development with diverse imaginations and a deeper and wider prospect.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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