


An Investigation on the Cognitive Model of High-Brand-Value Identity Design




羅凱(Kai Lo);林品章(Pin-Chang Lin)


品牌識別 ; 品牌價值 ; 標誌 ; 卡片分群 ; 集群分析 ; Brand Identity ; Brand Value ; Logo ; Cognition ; Card Sorting ; Cluster Analysis




12卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


1 - 20




面臨全球化的市場競爭,台灣產業積極推動自有品牌OBM(Own Branding & Manufacturing)邁向國際,然而如何成功打造品牌,並迅速建立「品牌價值」,成為企業的重要課題。本研究奠基於此動機,透過集群分析方式,歸納國際高品牌價值之識別設計模式,探討其造形形態的共同特徵,並進一步瞭解設計者與一般消費者對於識別設計認知的異同。研究結果顯示:(1)文字形態的識別設計,辨識速度較快,且容易判讀。「具象類」雖有歸集現象,但與「抽象類」區分容易產生混淆,顯示識別設計之「象徵意義」於感知階段,較易受到忽略;(2)兩組受測者對於分群結果有相似性的感受,重疊交集的刺激物有六群,比例達83.46%;共計有:「簡潔端正文字型」、「活潑律動文字型」、「色彩框底文字型」、「圖案文字組合型」、「簡潔幾何圖案型」、「複雜裝飾圖案型」等六種。因此,具有高品牌價值之識別設計,以此六種類型最為主要模式;(3)受測者對於識別設計之辨識,以造形的關係為主,色彩感受差異為次,顯然地,識別設計元素之「複雜」程度,是受測者區分屬性的重要因素之一;(4)品牌價值與識別設計,端賴消費者的評價與認知;本研究藉由消費者為受測對象,採集群分析法,可瞭解識別設計認知形態於消費層面的最大公約數。本研究之結果具有客觀的信度,值得台灣品牌新秀參考與借鑑。


Industries in Taiwan are promoting their Own Brand Manufacturing (OBM) design strategy to deal with the market competition in globalization. Nonetheless, how to create a successful product brand and establish the brand value within a very short time has thus become an important focus of enterprises. This study investigates common features existing in current styles and forms and the differences in identity perception between designers and consumers by constructing identity design models of international high brand value based on cluster analysis. The findings generated in this study indicated that: (1) ”Word marks” identities are more eligible and easier to be identified. Though ”pictorial marks” identities tend to be collective, they tend to be confused with ”abstract marks” identities in categorization. This suggests that the ”symbolic meaning” in identity can be easily overlooked in perceptual stage. (2) Similar perceptions are found in respondents of two different educational backgrounds, and there are six clusters of overlapping stimulants (83.46%). The main models include ”terse and neat text type”, ”vivid and rhythmic text type”, ”colored frame text type”, ”mixed graph and text type”, ”simplified geometric pattern type, and complex decorative pattern type. (3) Respondents often point out the identities by their styles and then color differences, though the complexity of design elements that had been identified before is also one of the key factors in attribute identification. (4) Brand value and identity design are dependent on consumers’ comments and perceptions. This study investigates the highest common factor (HCF) of identity design, perception, and style through a survey on consumers based on cluster analysis. With the reliable and objective results, the findings in this study can be references for emerging brands in Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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