


The Technology and Cultural Form of Da-Zau




翁註重(Ju-Joan Wong);許聖倫(Sheng-Luen Shiu)


大灶 ; 傳統科技 ; 性別研究 ; 設計史 ; 現代化 ; Da-Zau ; Domestic Technology ; Gender Studies ; Design History ; Modernization




14卷3期(2009 / 09 / 01)


1 - 29






This research combined theories of architecture history, design history, geography and gender studies, applied the methods of oral history and typology to analyze how Da-Zau embedded in traditional Chinese daily life, through observing the position of Da-Zau in the family, its construction, fire way, categories, and women's usage experience. Based on the exploration, Da-Zau could be classified and named by its different materials, fuel, main structures and geomantic omens. The design of chimney and air current, the gate of fire way, the laying of fire box and adjustment of the flame height, were the key factors of fire way. According with this kind of technology of Da-Zau, users developed out the technique of heating controlling to cook food flexibly by slow fire or intense fire. Furthermore, this study investigated the spatial plan discourse and the belief in Da-Zau which corresponded to the institution of family and society from the view point of gender. The locational shift from centre to the periphery area of the family reflected the division of housework, and Chinese women were constrained in the process of gendered labor-division by geomantic omens and superstitious belief.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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