Often customers make their purchase decision based on price, quality and functionality of the product. However, sometimes, they make the decision based on perceived value. Though design can improve the perceived value of the product, it is not easy for designers to predict the user's preference and reaction toward their products. The gap between designers and users in the design process is always a challenge that academic and industrial professionals try to overcome. Therefore, an effective decision method is necessary and extremely important to evaluate the design at the early stage of product development.
This study extracted the indexes from emotional dimensions and developed an evaluation method for the perceived value of products. Based on literature review and the interview of designers and users, the authors identified 15 emotional variables. Followed by conducting questionnaire survey on 159 participants and factor analysis, four indexes were extracted. They are Features, Association, Social-esteem, and Engagement, also named as FASE index. Then by combining the fuzzy theory and the pair-wise comparison method, an evaluation method for FASE index was developed. At the end, the analysis of perception differences for three classic design products was executed to test the sensitivity of FASE index. The findings of this study have demonstrated that FASE index and the decision method can be used to discriminate among design concepts and improve the design process and quality.
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