


A Possibility Study for Public Participation of Urban Design Review




何友鋒(Yu-Feng Ho);劉正智(Cheng-Chih Liu);劉玉屏(Yu-Pin Liu)


民眾參與 ; 都市設計 ; 都市設計審議 ; Public Participation ; Urban Design ; Urban Design Review




15卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


51 - 70






Urban design constitutes the interface of human, architecture and urban environment. It concerns with the quality of the urban public realm and the making of places for people to enjoy and respect. The management of urban system is influenced by public opinions and many other factors and getting complicated day by day. The aim of this study was to formulate a public participation model in urban design review process to assist the citizen in understanding the complex process of urban design. In view of this, this study was based on Publics Participation Theory, referring to the case that the overseas publics participate in the urban design deliberation system and using expert investigation method to carry out the public participation in the feasibility survey and analysis of urban design deliberation system. This study finds that the government should face the severely imperfection in that the publics cannot participate in urban design deliberation system and issue an available operation mechanism for the publics participate in the process of the urban design deliberation system. This study suggests a step-by-step way where the technical personals with professional background are first brought into the primary stage before the public participates in such an urban design deliberation system. Moreover, we also suggest that the government practice on specific actions, e.g. central and local decentralization, deliberation system legalization etc. With the auto multi-media service system to deliver the urban development information, it is possible for us to promote urban design education so as to set up the public civil city upon the basis of democracy.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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