


A Discussion of the Variables of Packaging Design That Affect Brand Equity




嚴貞(Jen Yen);林淑媛(Shu-Yuan Lin)


品牌權益 ; 包裝設計 ; Brand Equity ; Packaging Design




15卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


71 - 91




產品包裝作為賣場上「最終的銷售員」,其設計成效成為商品銷售與否的關鍵要素,同時也是企業建立品牌權益(brand equity)最具成本效益的方法。本研究目的為探討包裝將提供消費者哪些設計效益,其對品牌權益的影響變項為何,並進一步發掘用來創造設計效益的視覺設計元素有哪些。本研究採用紮根理論研究法(grounded theory),針對11位同時具備品牌規劃與包裝設計資歷的業界專家,以深度訪談與紀錄演講內容的方式取得口語資料,將整理所得之逐字稿,依序透過開放性編碼(open coding)、主軸性譯碼(axial coding)和選擇性譯碼(selective coding)等步驟,進行文字資料分析。研究結果顯示,包裝能夠提供消費者的設計效益分別為美感性、獨創性、資訊性、識別性、醒目性、記憶性、系統性、文化性、象徵性、保護性、便利性、環保性、展示性等13項設計效益,經研究證實其同時對品牌權益具有影響作用。包裝視覺設計元素則分別為色彩、圖形、合成文字(logotype)、說明文字、編排、印刷效果、結構造形、材質等8項。


Product package is the ”final salesperson” in a store, and the effectiveness of its design becomes the key factor in product sale. Meanwhile, it is also the method with best cost-benefit for an enterprise to establish brand equity. This study aims to explore what kinds of design benefits packaging design provides for consumers and the influential variables in brand equity. This study also aims to understand which visual design elements are effective in generating the benefits of packaging design. Based on Grounded Theory, this study acquired oral data by means of in-depth interviews and records of speech content from 11experts in packaging design and brand planning. The data collected was processed and coded using open coding, axial coding and selective coding. The results showed that the elements of design that affect brand equity are aesthetics, originality, informativeness, identifiability, eye-catchingness, memorability, and systematic, cultural, symbolic, protective, convenient, environmental and displayable qualities. Elements of packaging design that are effective are color, pattern, logotype, descriptive text, layout, printing effect, structural formation and material.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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