The purpose of this research is to explore the relation between visual image and grain color of commercial conifers grown in Taiwan. A total of thirty samples supplied by the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute are used for this study: one tangential section and one radial section for each of the fifteen kinds of commonly-used commercial conifer woods in Taiwan, respectively. Firstly, content analysis and expert validity are performed so as to categorize the samples based on grain and texture. Secondly, in order to grasp the psychological effects of different materials on consumers, experiments are carried out to measure the physical effect of color, coupled with information collected from 72 questionnaires, which are constructed using the semantic differential method. Lastly, data obtained in stage two are analyzed to identify any statistically significant relationship between the psychological effect and the physical effect. The findings of this research are listed as follows:
1. The image of the radial section of Taxus Mairei is perceived as high quality, elegant, exquisite, warm and gentle, whereas the tangential section image of Chamaecyparis obtuse Endl. var. formosana gives a natural sentiment; the image of the tangential section of Pinus luchuensis is described as ordinary, meretricious and rough, and the radial section image of Pinus taiwanensis is seen as rigid and artificial.
2. The result indicates that there is a positive correlation between ”High Quality-Ordinary” variable and the a(superscript *) value of grain color; this means that higher a(superscript *) values are associated with higher image quality, and lower a(superscript *) values are associated with ordinary image quality. Furthermore, redder color level is associated with higher image quality. In addition to these findings, ”Gentle-Rigid” variable is also found to be positively correlated to the L(superscript *) value of grain color; this indicates that the gentler the image is perceived the greater the L(superscript *) value, and the more rigid the image the smaller the L(superscript *) value. Finally, gentler image is also found to be associated with brighter color.
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