


The Effects of Spatial Short-term Memory, Spatial Working Memory and Spatial Ability on Performance in Engineering Graphics




林漢裕(Han-Yu Lin);李玉琇(Yuh-Shiow Lee)


工作記憶 ; 空間能力 ; 圖學表現 ; 結構方程模式 ; Working Memory ; Spatial Ability ; Engineering Graphics ; Structural Equation Modeling




15卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


1 - 18




圖學是工業設計科系必備的能力之一,圖學能力的好壞攸關設計表現,影響圖學表現的因素很多,空間能力可能是其中的因素之一。其次,工作記憶或許也和圖學表現有關,許多研究發現工作記憶能有效預測複雜作業表現,而學者認為工作記憶不會受到學習的影響,是屬於先天的能力(Baddeley, 2000)。探討工作記憶是否會影響圖學表現的深層意涵,所代表的是圖學表現是否會受先天能力的影響。在本研究中,工作記憶主要是以空間工作記憶為主,同時也納入空間短期記憶,作為影響圖學表現的變項。因此,本研究利用結構方程模式的統計方法,來同時看空間工作記憶、空間短期記憶與空間能力對圖學表現的影響。在實驗中,每個變項都是由3項作業所形成,因此參與者共進行12項作業。從結構模式中發現,空間能力直接影響圖學表現,空間工作記憶和空間短期記憶並沒有直接對圖學表現產生影響。因此,從本研究的結果來看,空間能力是影響圖學表現的重要因素,如果在設計訓練的過程中,能加強對空間能力訓練的話,對圖學表現就會產生影響。


Engineering graphics is an essential tool for industrial designers. There are many factors that would affect the performance in engineering graphics; spatial ability is probably one of them, and working memory is another. Many studies have found that spatial ability can effectively predict complex performance. In this study, working memory was based on spatial working memory as well as spatial short-term memory. Therefore, structural equation modeling was used to investigate which factors affect engineering graphics. In the experiment, each variable is made up of three tasks and totally each participant conducted twelve tasks. According to the structural model, spatial ability directly affected performance in engineering graphics, but spatial working memory and spatial short-term memory did not. Thus, from the results of this study, spatial ability is a major factor affecting performance in engineering graphics.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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