


The Process and Influence of the "Industrial Design Training Programs" in Taiwan Supervised by Foreign Experts in the 1960s




楊靜(Ching Yang)


工業設計訓練班 ; 中國生產力及貿易中心 ; 外國工業設計專家 ; 工業設計人才培育 ; Industrial Design Training Program ; China Productivity and Trade Center ; Foreign Industrial Design Expert ; Training of Industrial Designers




15卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


81 - 101




本研究主要探討1963至1966年間,中國生產力及貿易中心(China Productivity and Trade Center)「產品改善組」推動台灣工業設計發展決策「CPTC建議書」的培養人才方案,聘請外國專家來台指導「工業設計訓練班」的執行過程,以及由此影響1960年代設立工業設計科、遴選優秀人才出國留學與加入國際組織等起創活動事蹟。本研究在1998-2009年,針對28位國內外受訪者進行訪談調查,獲得1963-66年間外國專家來台指導「工業設計訓練班」的緣由、訓練課程與作品成果,以及指導者經驗或學習者收獲等紀錄;並且至國內外相關機構的圖書館收集文獻,並由受訪者提供許多文獻資料、工作報告與佐證照片。本研究結果發現,1963至1966年間,CPTC聘請日本專家小池新二、吉岡道隆與德國專家Jorg Glasenapp來台開設四期五次的密集式「工業設計訓練」,共有13位外國專家與助教、15位國內專家,以及來自產官學界250人次的學員參與此一訓練活動。各期課程,由外國專家依學員專長與經驗而設計不同專業課程,大致分成基礎班、高級班與專題班。此四期五次外國專家的短期訓練活動,成果相當豐碩,為當時新設立的工業設計科提供不少課程與教學示範,且為企業界提出許多新穎的產品設計。由此確實啟發國人設計思維,為台灣掀起一股工業設計熱潮,並促成國人實現了各項培養人才方案工作,包括:1964-69年間國內五所工專相繼設立工業設計科;1964-75年CPTC遴選21位優秀人才出國留學考察,多數成為第一代重要師資或執業設計師先鋒;1967年9月CPTC加入「國際工業設計社團協會」;1967年12月受訓學員籌組「中華民國工業設計協會」等。1960年代的起創活動,證實台灣工業設計發展起步甚早,與世界先進國家齊頭並進,並為台灣工業設計教育奠定深厚基礎。整體活動對台灣四十幾年以來的工業設計發展影響深遠,是一段不可抹滅的重要史實。


This study investigated the ”Industrial Design Training Programs” executed by the China Productivity and Trade Center (CPTC) in the 1960s by interviewing 28 native and oversea interviewees involved in these training programs and reviewing documents, reports, photos provided by these interviewees as well as the related documents collected in native or oversea institutes and libraries. This study revealed that, from 1963 to 1966, Japanese experts, Shinji Koike, Michitaka Yoshioka and German expert, Jorg Glasenapp were consecutively employed by the CPTC to host four ”Industrial Design Training Programs” with five intensive classes for Taiwan, There were 13 foreign experts and teaching assistants as well as 15 native experts contributed to the teaching, 250 trainees been trained in these training programs. Three different levels of course, basic class, advanced class, special project class, had been designed based on trainees' ability and experience. The achievement of these training programs was very significant. They not only enlightened the design concept of Taiwan but also prompted some designer cultivation programs, including the establishment of first five industrial design departments in junior college level during 1964-69 and the delegation of 21 designers to study abroad during 1964-75 by the CPTC. While the curriculums were referred to as exemplars by these departments, most of the trainees and delegates became the first generation of key industrial design teachers or industrial designers in Taiwan. In 1967, the CPTC participated as a member of the ICSID, whereas the Chinese Industrial Design Association was established in the same year later, mainly by the trainees of these training programs. Conclusively, these training programs have laid a solid foundation for industrial design education of Taiwan and made a great contribution to the development of industrial design in Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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