


Possible Design Directions of Healing Toys for Caring the Aging Group




王明堂(Ming-Tang Wang)


療癒系玩具 ; KJ法 ; Delphi法 ; 因子分析 ; 樂齡族 ; 關懷研究 ; Healing Toys ; KJ Method ; Delphi Method ; Factor Analysis ; Aging User Group ; Caring Research




17卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


1 - 24






When people are too busy or face depressions, getting relaxed from healing toys becomes a feasible and alternative solution. However, the healing toy has not been well defined so far. For consumers, they are not sure about which one best fits their needs from a wide variety of choices. In terms of product design, it remains unsettled regarding the classification and identification of the significance and characteristics of healing toys. A certain healing toy has been proved to be beneficial for the elderly. For these reasons, the author attempts to understand the ageing group's feedback and requirements of healing toys. With KJ method, the healing toys have been categorized to five groups. Moreover, by Delphi method, there are 15 types of characteristics to define the meaning and specialty of these products. Finally, through the questionnaire research, it has been found that the most favorable, the best sense of healing and the most demanded healing toy is the ”Real life simulation type” while the ”Repeated action type” is the least favored type. From factor analysis, the product images can be categorized into three factors. The first factor is ”emotional transfer and surprise”. The second factor is ”heart warming and lovely”. The third factor is ”peace of mind and relax”. For the issue of transfering emotions and getting relaxed, the study results demonstrate that lovely shape, light or pink color plan, and some surprising functions can serve as possible directions for the design of healing toys for the aging user group.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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