


Teaching and Learning Help Each Other: A Study on Students' Social Network Intermediated CAD Learning Motivation and Performance




黃教益(Chiao-I Huang);陸定邦(Ding-Bang Luh);孔憲法(Shin-Far Kung)


電腦繪圖 ; 成就動機理論 ; 社會網絡分析 ; 中介 ; 干擾 ; Amos ; NodeXL ; CAD ; Achievement Motivation Theory ; SNA ; Mediation ; Moderation ; Amos ; NodeXL




17卷3期(2012 / 09 / 01)


23 - 44




本文探討學習過程中影響電腦繪圖學習成效的因素。於不同學制班級間,在相同授課老師、期間、軟體、教室等限制條件下進行問卷調查(N= 112,Cronbach α=0.62-0.81),依成就動機理論,驗證學習動機、學習行為與成效的因果關係。因前測發現練習頻率、安裝軟體早晚、求助管道等一般認真日之學習行為,與學習動機及成效無顯著關係,並且遭遇問題時大多求助同儕,因而改以學生社會網絡之互動行為做為學習行為,分析互動行為對學習的中介效用,並分析不同班級對此學習模型之干擾效用。分析結果顯示,在相同學習動機下,較高社會網絡行為,如協助他人及告訴相關訊息,就有較高學習成效,而組成差異很大的學制對模型的干擾效用不顯著。學生學習中還教導別人等的互動行為對學習具顯著中介效用,映證禮記學記『教學相長』之古諺。


To improve CAD learning performance, this paper studies the crucial factors of learning process. Based on Achievement Motivation Theory, a questionnaire was used to test the causality between motivation, behavior and performance with constraint conditions (N=112, Cronbach alpha=0.617~0.813), which were of the same period, course, and classroom in 3 different classes. Since no significant correlation was found in the pretest between practice and the other two factors, the authors adopted Social Network (SN) theory to approach the behavior issue. Social Network Analysis (SNA) was used to calculate six social metrics of four networks. Then factor analysis was used to select proper metrics for further study. After model fitness comparison in Amos, research goes on mediation from social network, and moderation from different programs. The result shows that under the same motivation level, higher social network behavior could result in higher learning performance and better scores. Furthermore, different programs have no moderation effect on such learning model. That students' social network has significant mediation effects on CAD learning is the evidence of a wise old saying in ”Li Ji Xue Ji”: ”Teaching and learning help each other”.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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