In the new era of media convergence, the performing groups that apply Internet marketing and other ideas to show the content or to be retrieved in digitalized way, have not really touched an integration of virtual community for the application of new concepts and methods of cloud computing. Therefore, this study focuses on an internationally renowned performing arts industry groups ”Cirque du Soleil” from Canada. As a case study, in the first phase SWOT analysis is carried out through its official websites structures and other Internet contents. In second phase, official invitations are proposed for interviews of ”Cirque du Soleil” who are responsible for the management of digital media resources, and performers from Taiwan who have joined the Cirque du Soleil. In third phase, qualitative research methods are adopted for coding and analysis of the data collected in the first two phases. This paper mainly discusses how ”Cirque du Soleil” operates performing arts curation, and analyzes the digital resource applications for the relevant content. Thus, for such an international performing group of cultural and creative industries, its value and market strategies could serve as a reference for the scenario operation of tourism theaters in Taiwan.
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