


Implementing the Service Design of Celebrations through Cloud Technology: The Case of Beitou Park's Centennial Commemoration


馬睿平(Jui-Ping Ma);林育如(Yu-Ju Lin);林榮泰(Rung-Tai Lin)


雲端技術 ; 服務設計 ; 北投公園 ; 時間地理學 ; Cloud Technology ; Service Design ; Beitou Park ; Time Geography




19卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


29 - 52




慶典活動結合觀光的風潮已成為現今各國發展“體驗經濟”最重要的要素之一。這類活動多以歷史文化元素為主要特色,歷史懷舊的事物因此成為顧客進行體驗活動不可或缺的一環。其中,位於台北市郊的北投公園開園百年紀念系列慶祝活動,因其特殊歷史淵源而備受矚目。本研究即以北投公園百年紀念活動作為研究個案,以時間地理學、社會網絡分析等方法,實地驗證、參與觀察,探討顧客運用雲端技術、工具輔助參與慶典活動過程中整體共創的使用者經驗成效。研究結果顯示:1.雲端技術能夠及時 串聯顧客多樣化的涉入情感,協助豐富化慶典活動的服務設計內容;2.藉由雲端虛擬化技術,慶典活動 中的服務實體證據能突破時空限制,將顧客接收前期服務的感受延伸到後期服務,進而深化正向的服務 涉入效果;3.以雲端技術輔助塑造出的使用者經驗,除個人實質親身經驗,更包含在虛擬空間中與網友互動、共創的交流成果。它不僅能強化活動的宣傳效果,更能累積、凝聚持久性涉入參與活動的意願和共識。本文最後總結研究成果並建構本個案活動的「顧客旅程地圖」及「服務設計藍圖」,以供後續相關研究參考。


The celebrations in festivals integrated in tourism have become a trend. This practice has been one of the most significant components of the 〞experience economy〞 in today's world. Most of such activities regard historic elements as a main feature of events, and for customers something historical and nostalgic in culture is the thrust of that experience. This paper focuses on the centennial commemoration of Beitou Park as a case study. Applying methods such as time-geography, social network analysis, field verification, and participant observation, this research explores the overall customer experience and participation in co-creating service design through cloud technology. The findings are the following: 1. cloud technology can timely connect data about customers' emotional reactions in relevant events and utilize them to enrich the service design and content for the festival; 2. the information gathered during the festival about the actual service has tremendous potential: how customers feel in their early phase of involvement can be utilized to shape or adjust the other parts of activities they continue to participate, the virtualization of cloud technology therefore greatly sustaining the positive effects of the service experience; 3. the cloud technology helps shape the user experience, including both users' hands-on experience and their constant interaction with people through internet. These sharing and co-creating effects not only enhance the event's publicity but also accumulate momentum to sustain customers' willingness to continue to participate in related activities. Finally, 〞Customer Journey Map〞 and 〞Service Blueprint〞 are presented.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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